here it is, a case of me. it's up to you to drink it. all at once or little by little.


it's official now

...i'm a nerd.

or, as i prefer to call it, an 'intellectual' or 'bookish' person.

i took two character quizzes and they officially confirmed what my friends have always told me (but which i preferred to ignore) :

you're ross...even though you whine a lot, your
friends can see through it to the genuinely
intelligent and caring person you are on the

which Friends character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which HP Kid Are You?

in case the pictures don't show: i am 'ross' in friends and 'hermione' from the harry potter series.

intelligent, helpful, but slightly annoying sometimes

no more denial

will start wearing glasses tomorrow

now that i mention it: neither ross nor hermione wears glasses. interesting!

will start wearing them anyway, books have ruined my eye-sight...



... does not exist. every great work is just like your average work:
it takes hard work, determination and perseverance

i must say that i'm not really good at either three of those things
but at least i'm honest in not blaming 'the Muze' for my own shortcomings


lists (4) : ten things i like about winter

10 things i like about winter
- wearing mittens (and it's such a lovely word!)
- self-knitted scarves (both the knitting and the wearing of...)
- snow (every part of it except the melting)
- to go out & start drinking right after work, without feeling guilty because it's already dark
- noone on the running track at 8 in the morning, makes me feel like i'm for real
- hearth fire (no i don't have a hearth, and yes i'm overly romantic)
- the street doensn't smell when people put their garbage out (see, i'm practical too)
- hot chocolate to warm me up after a long walk
- early nights with a book under a huge donze
- spring comes next


lists (3): ten occasions to eat a brownie

When I feel cold on the inside.
When I feel warm on the inside, but there's noone to share it with
When I feel pitiable, but there's noone around to feel pity for me.
When I feel proud and think I deserve a reward.
When I feel like the day could use some brightening up.
When I feel the weather doesn't match my feelings
When I feel work is not progressing and I need to do some thinking
When I feel I have something to celebrate
When I feel it's been too long since I've had sex
When I feel hungry


fond de teint

I wish I was a Dresden Doll. Just so I could go out in the streets with my face full of white make-up.
Why would I want that? you ask. Their talent, guts or good looks, might be an option, but for Christ's sake, the make-up?
Well, it's just that I've got two new friends - let's call them Branda and Amian. Branda joined me first and has been residing on my chin for a week or so. I can't leave her alone, which is why she keeps popping, bleeding - I disinfect her, but then I start scratching her again. Anyway: she's a sight. Amian joined her not so long ago and chose my forehead for his residence. I'd scratch his but any day, but unfortunately this is more painful. So I decided to leave him alone and wait until he turns yellow.
In the mean time, some covering-up would come in useful, however. Enter my white make-up phantasy. Because fond de teint is sooooo passé, only wrinkled old ladies still get away with that. Correction: only wrinkled old ladies use that but they usually fail to get away with it.


december night

dim lights
misty grounds
distant calls
and muffled sounds



Today, I feel like ventilating some of my frustrations about art.
Not so long ago two new pieces of art appeared in the city landscape to 'cheer up' daily life. One of which got plenty of (negative) attention, the other one of which almost appeared unnoticed.
The piece that got lots of attention was an expensive thing, made by a local artist everyone seems to think is overpriced an overrated, and it was placed in the middle of a big square. It's called 'Totem' and it's a blowup of a bug on a needle. As it was a gift from the university to the city, placed opposite the university library in which there is a book by the artists grandfather about... bugs, I think this is quite funny. Moreover, the giant bug does cheer up my life on a daily basis. It thoroughly improves the view from my office on the third floor, especially at night, when it is beautifully lit. But many people seem to find a dead bug in clear view disgusting, especially when it is pearced upon a giant needle with its legs pointing upward. Seriously, I don't see what's wrong with that. Bugs are not an endangered species and if we keep fucking up the planet they'll soon be creatures left on it, so quit the 'mother earth' thing, please!
What those nagging mother earth-freaks don't complain about, and what I think is much worse (and have to look at every day as well) is some coloured plastic installation some arty farty fancy nancy international artist put in MY PARK! Ok, it's not my park, but it's the ONLY decent park we've got. It' a beautiful park and I'm a lucky person that my daily route between home and the office goes straight through it. But did they really have to screw it up completely be scattering fake coloured plastic window things all over it? Different colours. FLUORESCENT colours. PLASTIC. IN THE PARK, which is the only bit of nature left in the city centre. It's like they won't let you forget you're in a city - "hey, there might be some trees here, but look at all the coloured plastic fake stuff, haha, you can't run away from the city here!"
What's worse: it's a permanent installation. The first permanent installation by this particular artist, the newspaper said, which is not surprising because I can't imagine any city council being stupid enought to think people were not going to dig their park being ruined.
Apparently they weren't to wrong about it. No mother earth freaks shouting this time.
So the council, nor the motherearthfreaks in this city have brains - but the vandals do, however. They've been smart enought to let the plastic windows alone. Seems like they're thinking: "yeah, well, this park is vandalized enough as it is." And a plastic window looks better than a broken plastic window, I guess.
So thank you, vandals and good luck on getting that bug! I'll be waving at you from the third floor...