here it is, a case of me. it's up to you to drink it. all at once or little by little.


lists (4) : ten things i like about winter

10 things i like about winter
- wearing mittens (and it's such a lovely word!)
- self-knitted scarves (both the knitting and the wearing of...)
- snow (every part of it except the melting)
- to go out & start drinking right after work, without feeling guilty because it's already dark
- noone on the running track at 8 in the morning, makes me feel like i'm for real
- hearth fire (no i don't have a hearth, and yes i'm overly romantic)
- the street doensn't smell when people put their garbage out (see, i'm practical too)
- hot chocolate to warm me up after a long walk
- early nights with a book under a huge donze
- spring comes next


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