here it is, a case of me. it's up to you to drink it. all at once or little by little.


it's official now

...i'm a nerd.

or, as i prefer to call it, an 'intellectual' or 'bookish' person.

i took two character quizzes and they officially confirmed what my friends have always told me (but which i preferred to ignore) :

you're ross...even though you whine a lot, your
friends can see through it to the genuinely
intelligent and caring person you are on the

which Friends character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which HP Kid Are You?

in case the pictures don't show: i am 'ross' in friends and 'hermione' from the harry potter series.

intelligent, helpful, but slightly annoying sometimes

no more denial

will start wearing glasses tomorrow

now that i mention it: neither ross nor hermione wears glasses. interesting!

will start wearing them anyway, books have ruined my eye-sight...


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